Virtual Conference
12-5PM EST
April 26th, 2025
Our Mission
Be the place that people of all kinds who love puzzles of all kinds can come together to connect, learn, and celebrate the richness that we each bring to the puzzling community.
Or in short...
"All sorts of puzzles for all sorts of people!"
2025 Speakers
Jess & Ray
Jess and Ray are the founders of Good Fortune Puzzle Co. On their journey of reconnecting with play and culture, they noticed as much as they enjoyed puzzling, the brands and images weren't something they felt a deep connection to. With the belief that Asian creativity is worth celebrating, puzzling is underrated and that puzzles can reflect a broader range of experiences, Good Fortune Puzzle Co was born.
Their puzzles are made with premium, sustainable materials and manufactured locally in Canada. Good Fortune Puzzle Co also shares 5% of its revenue with their artists.
Jasen Robillard
Founder, Chief Experience Officer and Puzzle Craftsman at StumpCraft.
I've been an environmental consultant (oil spill remediation), hydrogeology technician, mapping software product specialist and trainer, cohousing consultant, group facilitator and trainer. I'm now the founder, designer and mad puzzle crafter at StumpCraft. I see puzzles as my artful way of trojan horsing attention curation and embodied participaction, to unlock whole brain processing and solutionary thinking.
“When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty but when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong”
―R. Buckminster Fuller
Tammy McLeod
Tammy is an avid jigsaw puzzler who holds 2 Guinness World Records. She is one of the founders of the USA Jigsaw Puzzle Association and has competed at the World Jigsaw Puzzle Championship numerous times. She loves all things puzzles, and shares her puzzling adventures on YouTube through Two Puzzle Unicorns, and Instagram as @TammyMcLeodPuzzler
Christine Murphy
Christine Murphy is a writer, advocate, and puzzle-lover. She has lived, worked, and traveled in more than a hundred countries, including living for eleven months in a tent across the African continent, and a year as a resident in a buddhist nunnery in the Himalayas. A trained Buddhologist, Murphy has a Ph.D. in Religious Studies. NOTES ON SURVIVING THE FIRE, published by Knopf/Penguin Random House, is available wherever books are sold.
Putrice Thomas
I began illustrating art for children's puzzles in 2019 and launched Cocoa Puzzles in the summer of 2020. My goal was to create imaginative characters through art that children could identify with and relate to in their everyday lives. By combining my art with puzzles, I aimed to help parents bond with their children and spend meaningful time together, just as I did in my own home.
Puzzle Island Treasure Map
Arrr, Matey! We've dug out this ol' treasure map of our Puzzle Makers, and have hidden secret code within. We will unroll our map the week of Puzzle Jam Global, so check back here to visit Puzzle Island and take a puzzle vacation, and follow the map to the end for a chance to enter into the Founders' Booty Giveaway!
2025 PJG Giveaway Puzzle Donated By
(holding space while we send out carrier pigeons with puzzle requests!)
Supporting Puzzle Organizations
(Holding Space while we figure'em all out!)
Stay in the loop for
all things Puzzle Jam!
All of the general info about Puzzle Jam and our community, including notice on when we open tickets to the general public and when the Master Puzzlers' Club opens again.
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